What type of "New Year resolutions" do you tend to make each new school year?
When I was working as a teacher (the last 2 years) at the beginning of every year I used to make “New Year Resolutions” where it include plans, projects also I would propose to do creative activities and research about the methodology, new strategies to motivate the students.
Is it easy to keep them?
It wasn’t easy because there was so much contents that you have to teach to the students that you didn’t have time to do projects and to plan different activities. You just had to cope with all the materials that you were given, worships, test ext…
What practices would you like to see your institution adopt?
Give you more freedom when you are planning your syllabus and maybe left aside some contents so then you can see deeply the ones that you feel that are more important.
Why do you think this article appears in a book on methodology?
Because the author, Joanne Petits, talks about how we as educators must make a personal commitment to our ongoing professional growth and that necessary leads that we have to integrate principles, knowledge and skills in our practice.